Good morning.
"Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer, saying, “Thus far the Lord has helped us.” (1 Samuel 7:12)
All through the Old Testament we read of how easily people forget God. Time and time again we read of memorials being built by their leaders to remind the people of God's goodness, of His provision.
We too need to remember what God has done. We are no less forgetful today. God has rescued us above and beyond what we can ask or imagine through His Son Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection. And even when we know this in our heads, we often forget it in our hearts. We are tempted to live as though God’s goodness doesn’t apply to our present circumstances.
We too, need to create Ebenezers, monuments to His faithfulness. In our hearts, we need to make each of those moments a marker of God’s goodness that draws us closer to Him.
We often move on to whatever is next far too quickly. We need to pause and ask ourselves what has God done in our life lately that we need to remember as a marker of His goodness.
Today, pause, remember, and then thank God.
Mike and Daphne